Our Services


Our Coaches have been trained as Evolutionary Power Practitioners (EPP) through the Evolutionary Power Institute. Our intention is to co-create sessions with you so that you are inspired to live your best life.

Our philosophy as EPP coaches is about having fun and being playful. We safely offer body-centered practices, where “you get to feel anything, at any time, for any reason” (Julie Colwell, Ph.D., Founder of Evolutionary Power Institute). We believe that energy is everything and when your energy shifts, you shift.

Our clients are willing to try new things, they show up with curiosity and openness and are a tiny bit brave. We are here to support your journey and know that going into the darkness is going to bring so much light. We don’t think anything is wrong with you.

Are you willing to be a bit uncomfortable learning new ways of being and unlearning old patterns?

Are you willing to be a little bit out of your depth?

“And when you don't feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you're just about in the right place to do something exciting.”David Bowie

*Our coaches do not have the legal authority and, therefore, may not lawfully diagnose or treat mental health illnesses. We are happy to refer you to a therapist for a higher level of care.